I have been revising the dialog since the old ones were too wordy and long according to our client.  I decided to email some of the dialogs to my friend who works at Marklund homes to get some feedback.  She works with kids with a low IQ and her feedback can really help me out.  I was struck by a terrible cod on the weekends and haven't did any work on the dialogs yet.  I finally got an email back from my friend and she made some changes to the dialog.  I need to apply those changes and ask if my team likes them.  I've been playing around with the AI and I still need more work to be done on the AI.
I am currently working on scripting the boxes, but that proves to be difficult.  I never scripted on how to pick up and drop objects with Flash buttons before so it was a challenge,  I need to do some more research and trail test to get it working properly.  I am being messing around with the AI too lately.  I think I will finish the boxes, before I start on the AI.  Hopefully I can get the boxes working by Tuesday.
I am back from my Winter break and I'm ready to work on the project.  We had a lot of feedback from the client and there are many changes we need to do.  I am thinking of using Unreal scripts for the boxes and the client would like some AI interaction in the simulation.  I will be working with Zach on the AI and will be working with Kelsey on the scripting of the boxes.  I hope this semester more work will be done and all the bugs are fixed.  I will do my best to finish my parts. I am currently researching on how to script the boxes and adding the highlights.