I wrote up the dialogs for the manager and the game tutorial for this week.  We just need to send the dialogs to the client to make sure the dialogs are not too lengthy and it is to his liking.  I also did some work on the kismet on the boxes.  I was using key bindings for the lifting and placing of the boxes.  The group wanted point and click, so I need to rework the kismet.  It is not a hassle and can be done really easily.  I will continue to work on the kismet for the boxes this following week.

This week we are working on the GDD and divinding the work among the group.  I decided to with the interaction with the manager.  I will be in charge of the kismet and coding in talking to the manager.  I will also help out with the coding of the boxes and maybe do the voiceover. 
This week we are working on the GDD and coming up with different ideas to improve the warehouse simulation.  We are also assigning roles to each group member and will start production soon.  We need to contact our client to get all the details and what the client want to add on in the simulation. 
This week we decided to do the  warehouse simulation project and there are many additions we would like to add.  I have read the original pitch document and have added some new features on it.  This week is a pretty easy one since we just started brainstorming ideas for the project.