This week I finally finished up my AI script.  I created 2 AI script for the employee, so that he can walk around the simulation, but when I tried to implement him into the simulation I ran into a lot of trouble.  First he wouldn't show up in the map and the problem was he was missing an animtree.  I needed to test if the AI script worked, but the model won't show up.  I had to use the default UDK pawn to test it and the AI script worked.  My group member Kelsey wanted me to try his placeable pawn since his pan show up in the game. When I put the placeable pawn with my AI script the AI didn't work.  The lacable pawn didn't have an animtree either.  I had 2 options to get the AI working, either I had to create an animtree for the employee or use matinee to call his animations.  I have done matinee animations before, but I have had experience with the animtree.  I decided to ask my other member Zach for help since he created the animations for the employee.  We both tried to understand matinee, but I was too complicated and time is running out.  I decied to do the animtree since I did do a couple for my midterm project.  I created an animtree for the employee, but the tree wasn't working.  The animation was not previewing on the animtree preview window.  I built the tree right, but something was wrong then it hit me I forgot the the anim sequence node must be named the same name as the animation name in the animset.  When I changed the name the animation worked.  I just need to put everything together and hope it works in the end.  I put all my scripts in UDK and decided to spawn the employee with my pawn script again.  This time he shows up in the game and the AI is working too.  All I need to do is implement him in the game and create some pathnodes. 

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