This week I finally finished up my AI script.  I created 2 AI script for the employee, so that he can walk around the simulation, but when I tried to implement him into the simulation I ran into a lot of trouble.  First he wouldn't show up in the map and the problem was he was missing an animtree.  I needed to test if the AI script worked, but the model won't show up.  I had to use the default UDK pawn to test it and the AI script worked.  My group member Kelsey wanted me to try his placeable pawn since his pan show up in the game. When I put the placeable pawn with my AI script the AI didn't work.  The lacable pawn didn't have an animtree either.  I had 2 options to get the AI working, either I had to create an animtree for the employee or use matinee to call his animations.  I have done matinee animations before, but I have had experience with the animtree.  I decided to ask my other member Zach for help since he created the animations for the employee.  We both tried to understand matinee, but I was too complicated and time is running out.  I decied to do the animtree since I did do a couple for my midterm project.  I created an animtree for the employee, but the tree wasn't working.  The animation was not previewing on the animtree preview window.  I built the tree right, but something was wrong then it hit me I forgot the the anim sequence node must be named the same name as the animation name in the animset.  When I changed the name the animation worked.  I just need to put everything together and hope it works in the end.  I put all my scripts in UDK and decided to spawn the employee with my pawn script again.  This time he shows up in the game and the AI is working too.  All I need to do is implement him in the game and create some pathnodes. 
This week I am finishing up the AI code and getting it ready to implement into the game.  The only piece I have working is the walking part for the AI.  The pick up part is not working right and I am running out of time.  I will try to see if I can get it to work this weekend.  If it doesn't work by Wednesday I will have to opt that option out of the game.  I hope I can get it to work soon and test it out on the map. 
I was suppose to finish up the AI this week and use the next week for polishing up my code.  I hurt my arm last night and now I can't even type without feeling a lot of pain.  I should be back to normal next week and will finish up the AI scripts.
I just finished revising the dialog and everything seems to be working smoothly.  My next task is to make the AI in the warehouse, so it appears to have workers working there.  I need to do my research on how to make the scripts for the AI since it has been a while.  I am also scheduled to do the voice of the manager if our client likes the dialogs and I don't need to do any changes.  I will be using a UDK bot to test out the script since our worker model is not yet completed yet.  This will be a busy week for me.
I have been revising the dialog since the old ones were too wordy and long according to our client.  I decided to email some of the dialogs to my friend who works at Marklund homes to get some feedback.  She works with kids with a low IQ and her feedback can really help me out.  I was struck by a terrible cod on the weekends and haven't did any work on the dialogs yet.  I finally got an email back from my friend and she made some changes to the dialog.  I need to apply those changes and ask if my team likes them.  I've been playing around with the AI and I still need more work to be done on the AI.
I am currently working on scripting the boxes, but that proves to be difficult.  I never scripted on how to pick up and drop objects with Flash buttons before so it was a challenge,  I need to do some more research and trail test to get it working properly.  I am being messing around with the AI too lately.  I think I will finish the boxes, before I start on the AI.  Hopefully I can get the boxes working by Tuesday.
I am back from my Winter break and I'm ready to work on the project.  We had a lot of feedback from the client and there are many changes we need to do.  I am thinking of using Unreal scripts for the boxes and the client would like some AI interaction in the simulation.  I will be working with Zach on the AI and will be working with Kelsey on the scripting of the boxes.  I hope this semester more work will be done and all the bugs are fixed.  I will do my best to finish my parts. I am currently researching on how to script the boxes and adding the highlights.
This week we are presenting the Alpha build to the Aspire client.  The presentation was a success and we have lots work ahead of us for the next semester of the project.  I will be scripting the boxes and making the highlights for the boxes as well.  I will also be the voice of the manager and I will have to speak loudly and clearly.  The alpha build was a success and I am planning my work for the next semester.
I finally got my kismet in the map where the simulation we are all working, but unfortunately noe of my kismet is working.  What my part is suppose to do is when the player's cursor is over the box it will highlight the box with a light green color indicating the box is selected.  The player clicks on the box and the HUD will showup and when the player presses the pickup button the box will be automatically transfer to the player.  The player can move around with the box and when the player presses the drop button the box will be detached from the player.  I needed to adjust the height of the box when it is dropped when I get the kismet for the box to work.  I am contacting my team members to help me solve this problem, so that we can test out the simulation.
I finally got the concept of whar kind of kismet I should work on for the boxes, I never worked with TextureRender2D or opening a GFX movie before in UDK.  It was confusing at first to learn about this new kind of kismet, but eventually I figured it out with some help.  I need to create a test HUD since the real HUD for the simulation was not done yet.  I created a simple HUD with only 2 buttons to test out the kismet.  I also needed to create the material for the box and that requires the TextureRender2D.  Once everything is made and imported into UDK the real work begins.  The opening the GFX movie step was not as difficult as I though it was, but the TextureRender2D and boolean check value part gave me some problems.  At first the selection part of the box was out of range of the box and was not checking the bool value.  We got that to work and now the 2 buttons needed to in the HUD were pickup and drop.  Kismeting the 2 buttons were easy and didnt cause much problems.  I need to put this kismet into the final map and hope everything turns out alright.  In the meantime I need to fix the postion of the box when it is dropped, so it doesn't looke like it is floating in mid-air.